Plans to build two new homes in a village near Stowmarket have been refused by the council.

An outline planning application to build two detached houses with garages, following the demolition of poultry houses in Wyverstone was submitted in July.

Mid Suffolk District Council refused the plans due to there being insufficient ecological information regarding European protected species such as great crested newts and bats.

They also denied the plans due to it being in an unsustainable location, with future occupants needing to rely on a private car to access services, facilities and employment, which the council states is a 'tangible environmental harm.'

The council states that 'based on the reasons, and the officer's report, the harm significantly and demonstrably outweighs the limited benefits of this development.

"It is considered that the development of this site would cause adverse impacts to the proper planning of the district having regard to the development plan objectives to secure planned development in more sustainable locations rather than piecemeal development in less sustainable locations."