An outline planning application for up to six new homes following the demolition of a police station has been granted.

Mid Suffolk District Council approved the plans for the removal of the police station in Stowmarket to make way for the six homes.

The plans were first submitted on January 10 this year, with consultees commenting throughout the year on the plans.

A decision was made on Monday.

The grant comes with stipulations that action must be taken before work can start on the site just off Violet Hill Road.

An investigation for lang contamination should be undertaken, as well as the outlining details of footways, parking and manoeuvering, refuse and a demolition and construction management plan needs to be drafted.

In the original plan, it states that the proposal represented a "sustainable and viable use for the existing site".

This development would also increase income for the Suffolk Constabulary, with all capital receipts generated from the sale of the land will be reinvested in premises and infrastructure for the police.

Other former Suffolk police stations, such as the one in Southwold, have been subject to planning applications to build homes.