Firefighters have freed a snake that got stuck in its tank in Haughley, just after hours after freeing a deer from a fence.

Crews received a call about a snake stuck in its tank at a property in Fishponds Way just after 2.20pm today, Friday, February 4,.

A spokesman for Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service said the reptile was stuck in a hole in its tank where a lock would usually go.

The spokesman said that firefighters had used small tools to release the snake from its predicament.

A 'stop' call was made at 2.49pm.

It came shortly after four fire crews were called to free a deer stuck upside down in a fence near Bury St Edmunds.

Firefighters were called to the distressed animal just after 12.35pm today, Friday, February 4 in Conyers Way, Great Barton.

A Suffolk Fire and Rescue spokesman said four crews had been called to an "adult sized deer" that had got stuck in a fence.

Crews used bolt cutters to free the animal and the RSPCA was informed.